School Advisory Committee Membership
St. John the Baptist Parish Michelle McLaughlin (2nd term ends June 30, 2025) Jennifer Rimanelli (2nd term ends June 30, 2025) Open Seat St. Mary Parish Catherine Bernhold (2nd term ends June 30, 2025) Heidi Galati (2nd term ends June 30, 2024) Jason Linster (1st term ends June 30, 2025) St. Michael the Archangel Parish Karen Braunlich (2nd term ends June 30, 2024) Jody Egen (2nd term ends June 30, 2025) Steve Latondress (2nd term ends June 30, 2025) Monroe Catholic Elementary School is governed by the sponsoring parishes’ Pastors, assisted by an Executive Director and the Monroe Catholic Elementary School Advisory Committee, whose members are appointed by Pastors of each sponsoring parish and commissioned to advise and act as a consultative body for the Pastors, Executive Director, Principals, and Director of Early Childhood Programs by recommending, guidelines and strategic planning for all components of the school, so as to provide a truly Catholic School that fosters academic excellence and life-long faith formation and growth. The Monroe Catholic Elementary School Advisory Committee is responsible for following the guidelines and policies of the Archdiocese of Detroit Catholic Schools. The Monroe Catholic Elementary School Advisory Committee is accountable to the three Pastors of the supporting parish communities in consultation with the Executive Director, Principals, and Director of the Early Childhood Programs. MCES Governing Document: Articles of Agreement |
MCES Accreditation 2024We are pleased to share the results of our accreditation process by the Michigan Association of Nonpublic Schools. In our letter from the AOD we were blessed to share that we are accredited and have received some very high praise from our accreditation team. Highlights from the letter include: