MCES Food Allergy Awareness Policy
As Catholic parents, empathy and compassion are key elements in helping your child understand that allergies can be potentially life-threatening. You can help by not sending nut products to school and explain how this will protect those with nut allergies. Please consider non-food related birthday items for all to enjoy in school and check ingredients on all labels to see if it was made in a nut-free environment. To learn more about safe snacks for our schools we encourage you to visit the Snack Safely website and when selecting snacks visit the very helpful snack list which you can print and use at the grocery store. Each of our children were created in God's image and we will respect each child as He created them.
Monroe Catholic Elementary Schools (MCES) will abide by federal mandates as stated in Laws for Peanut Allergies in Private Schools (
The following precautions will be taken in order to protect students who have life-threatening allergies, without creating undue burdens for students without the same needs.
1. Prohibition of selling peanuts in the school cafeteria at all campuses, including concessions during CYO sporting events.
2. There must be a signboard at each entry point of the school and at the entrance of the cafeteria and like places, which should alert people that someone is allergic to peanuts and peanut products.
3. There will be a designated peanut awareness table in the cafeteria so students who need protection can sit there.
4. If necessary, one classroom per grade level will be designated as a peanut aware classroom; as determined by the building principal.
It will be required to have an MCES allergen policy signed by the doctor that will be kept on file in the school office. Every student who is identified with a serious allergy or health issue will have an Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP) and an Emergency Health Care Plan (EHCP). This will be placed on a bulletin board in the office and also in the classroom.
Monroe Catholic Elementary Schools (MCES) will abide by federal mandates as stated in Laws for Peanut Allergies in Private Schools (
The following precautions will be taken in order to protect students who have life-threatening allergies, without creating undue burdens for students without the same needs.
1. Prohibition of selling peanuts in the school cafeteria at all campuses, including concessions during CYO sporting events.
2. There must be a signboard at each entry point of the school and at the entrance of the cafeteria and like places, which should alert people that someone is allergic to peanuts and peanut products.
3. There will be a designated peanut awareness table in the cafeteria so students who need protection can sit there.
4. If necessary, one classroom per grade level will be designated as a peanut aware classroom; as determined by the building principal.
It will be required to have an MCES allergen policy signed by the doctor that will be kept on file in the school office. Every student who is identified with a serious allergy or health issue will have an Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP) and an Emergency Health Care Plan (EHCP). This will be placed on a bulletin board in the office and also in the classroom.